The safety of children on school buses remains a significant concern in the Sultanate of Oman, with recurring incidents highlighting the risks involved. Despite calls for greater attention to this issue, negligence...
Sohar Varsity honours employees at Staff Development Week
Go slow near schools when kids are around
Agreement for incubator at Sohar University
Demand for basic science courses, especially physics, is rising
Private schools to open in phased manner
Sohar University organizes virtual induction programme
Bahla student start-up wins first prize for craft selling app
Vaccination to ensure safe return of students to schools
UTAS begins induction programme today
School academic year begins today
Don’t live life in a bubble
Training for graduates to become primary school teachers
Plan to appoint nearly 1,000 Omani teachers
SQU students required to attend classes from September 5
Teachers have to play role of parents during pandemic