The safety of children on school buses remains a significant concern in the Sultanate of Oman, with recurring incidents highlighting the risks involved. Despite calls for greater attention to this issue, negligence...
Any one game for Al Hawalees?
Higher Education Ministry approves two new bachelor degree programmes
Salalah Book Fair kicks off
10 firms win bids for 42 public schools
Higher Education Ministry announces start of admission to Manafaa Programme
Steam Oman, School Sports Association get a fillip
Students invent new vehicle safety system
“Towards Sustainable Education to Enhance Future Skills” Symposium begins
Technological Week Events continue in Al Dhahirah
Education Ministry inks 6 MoUs with pvt sector for Science Festival
Around 55,000 students appear for GED exams
Students' celebrations: MOHE to take action
Nine new schools to come up in Dhofar
Seminar highlights sound governance in higher education institutions
New innovative Omani App launched to teach sciences