The safety of children on school buses remains a significant concern in the Sultanate of Oman, with recurring incidents highlighting the risks involved. Despite calls for greater attention to this issue, negligence...
New school year begins in Oman
Over 700,000 students return to schools tomorrow
RO 400 income limit to avail school supplies and nutrition plan
The Falling Walls Lab Oman 2022 extends registration till Sep 5
As per Royal Orders, Joint Committee initiates action to provide student nutrition
Schools to reopen on Sept 4
Over 57k teachers return to schools for new academic year
Three MoUs signed to support Oman Science Festival 2022
Sur Vocational College to get virtual reality lab
Training for kids in 5G, cloud computing begins
Oman students take part in debating contest
Al Dakhiliyah students shine at the Arab Parliament for the child
Growth Mindset might be need of the hour
University of Nizwa obtains patent for anthocyanin food colour
Ministry of Education launches summer school for students