The safety of children on school buses remains a significant concern in the Sultanate of Oman, with recurring incidents highlighting the risks involved. Despite calls for greater attention to this issue, negligence...
Discover new books and expand your knowledge
Muscat International Book Fair opens
Online registration begins for admissions in Indian schools
Programme Accreditation System launched
Feb 10 designated as annual day for honouring UNESCO-listed Omani personalities
Omani researcher succeeds in devising new model for understanding chemical reactions
Intel conference on Earth Sciences and Energy Transition kicks off in SQU
Online registration for Indian school admissions from Feb 1
ABA Oman International School wins international award
British School Muscat’s Principal named as a 2022 ‘Edruptor’
Logo design contest for Muscat Book Fair launched
Two resident students shine at Cambridge
UTAS Salalah students participate in Forum for Women in KSA
SQU holds graduation ceremony
3 Omani innovators participate in Falling Walls Lab finals