The safety of children on school buses remains a significant concern in the Sultanate of Oman, with recurring incidents highlighting the risks involved. Despite calls for greater attention to this issue, negligence...
MoE approves GED first semester examination results
20th UTAS Nizwa forum to showcase students’ talents
923 students graduate from UTAS
Muscat Book Fair ends today
This book on rock paintings traces facets of civilisation
UTAS-Nizwa gears up for students forum
A celebration of literature, culture and knowledge
New education plan to cater for every stage of student's life
Student falls from running bus, stable
Grades 11 and 12 to have vocational, technical education from next year
Play and learn through diverse activities and programs
A platform for discussions, sharing experiences
Where reading comes alive
Book Fair - A confluence of cultures
SQU team develops new technology