The safety of children on school buses remains a significant concern in the Sultanate of Oman, with recurring incidents highlighting the risks involved. Despite calls for greater attention to this issue, negligence...
Issuance of Royal Decree on School Education Law valued by MoE
SQU Vice Chancellor receives education minister of UAE
Students forum concludes at Oman Across Ages Museum
Students showcase learning skills at annual day event
TAISM school robotics team makes debut at US world championship
Joint committee between higher education ministry, SQU holds meeting
SQU College of Law's 7th conference elaborates on foreign investment
Higher Education Law offers incentives for private sector
Higher Education Law sets standards for regulating the sector: Minister
Foreign higher education institutions can open branches in Oman
SQU, Dhofar University to collaborate in academic, training fields
SQU, Dhofar University ink two pacts in academic, training fields
Symposium held on roles of student parent councils
Forum on Future Universities, Gathering on Training and Career Guidance kick off
Students invent sustainable, eco-friendly filament for 3d printers