Letter from Europe: We still don’t know how the Ukraine war ends
Last week was an interesting week to be in Europe talking to national security experts, officials and business executives about Ukraine. Ukraine and its allies had just forced Russian attackers into a...
Putin’s new cold war: Freeze Europe
While some Russian soldiers in Ukraine are voting with their feet against Vladimir Putin’s shameful war, their hasty retreat doesn’t mean that Putin is surrendering.Last week, in fact, he opened a...
The White House lunch with President Biden
President Joe Biden invited me for lunch at the White House last Monday. But it was all off the record — so I can’t tell you anything he said.I can, though, tell you two things — what I ate and...
We keep falling for the same big talk
It has long been said that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. By that definition, we’re the ones detached from reality if we...
The war is getting more dangerous for America, and Biden knows it
If you just followed news reports on Ukraine, you might think that the war has settled into a long, grinding and somewhat boring slog. You would be wrong.Things are actually getting more dangerous by...
Sacrifices of unnamed Ukrainian soldiers
I am thinking about three people today whose behaviour could have a significant impact on the world in the coming months and possibly years: a soldier with no name, a politician with no shame and a...
A free piece of advice for Putin
As Vladimir Putin embarks on his plan B — a massive military operation to try to grab at least a small bite of eastern Ukraine to justify his misbegotten war — I thought: Who could give him the...
Ukraine is the first real World War
Almost six weeks into the war between Russia and Ukraine, I’m beginning to wonder if this conflict isn’t our first true ‘world war’ — much more than World War I or World War II ever were.In...
It’s now Putin’s plan B in Ukraine vs Biden’s and Zelenskyy’s plan A
After a confusing month, it is now clear what strategies are playing out in Ukraine: We’re watching Vladimir Putin’s Plan B versus Joe Biden's Plan A and Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s Plan A. Let us...
A war of surprises in Ukraine, both tragic and inspiring
Every war brings surprises, but what is most striking about Vladimir Putin’s war against Ukraine — and indirectly against the whole democratic West — is how many of the bad surprises, so far,...
I see three scenarios for how this war ends
The battle for Ukraine unfolding before our eyes has the potential to be the most transformational event in Europe since World War II and the most dangerous confrontation for the world since the Cuban...
We have never been here before
The seven most dangerous words in journalism are: “The world will never be the same.” In over four decades of reporting, I have rarely dared use that phrase. But I’m going there now in the wake...
Did we miss Biden’s most important remark about Russia?
Pretty much every crucial line in President Joe Biden’s recent marathon news conference has been dissected by now — except one, the one that may turn out to be the most prescient. You had to be...
Putin to Ukraine: ‘Marry Me or I’ll Kill You’
Why is Vladimir Putin threatening to take another bite out of Ukraine, after devouring Crimea in 2014? That is not an easy question to answer because Putin is a one-man psychodrama, with a giant...
How about Biden-Cheney combo in 2024?
As I’ve noted before, one reason I pay very close attention to the Israeli-Palestinian arena is that a lot of trends get perfected there first and then go global — airline hijacking, suicide...
How to prevent another Jan 6
On Christmas morning, I woke up early and flipped on CNN, where I found the newscaster toggling among three news stories — two really depressing ones and an amazingly uplifting one.The first...