Students’ Satisfaction in E- Learning Environment
Learning satisfaction is a significant aspect of promoting successful educational processes. Basically, satisfaction on the part of the students plays an important role when teachers, their course...
Active Learning in Basic Education
In the 'regular' class, children participate in asking or answering questions without a thought-enhancing environment. Likewise, for the other children, the class climate is boring and irritating to...
E- Learning Based on Social-Skills of Learners
Learning, essentially, is expected to improve the potential of learners to have personality tendencies and attitudes: moral strength, self-control, emotional intelligence, precious personality, as...
The Concept of Curriculum Design and Curriculum Evaluation
The curriculum design and evaluation process contain what will be taught, who will be taught, and how it will be taught. Each component affects and interacts with the other. For example, what will be...
Future Skills Needs of learners - In view of global changes, enhancing students' skills has become important. Researches’ results show there are two significant tendencies in the world that pose a fundamental...
The Keys of Knowledge in the Artificial Intelligence Era - What students learned in school ought to be useful to them after they finish school grad. Approaching any new conditions that requires using one’s knowledge, as students are better...