Building resilience together...
In the aftermath of the tragic events at Al Hawari Basic Education School in the Al Sharqiyah North Governorate, and in other regions of Oman, our hearts go out to the families who lost loved ones in...
The impact of geology on environment, culture
The Earth, a dynamic and ever-evolving planet, is adorned with geological wonders that captivate the imagination and shape the world we inhabit. From towering mountains to fiery volcanoes and majestic...
Humanity of Oman: Ensuring security, dignity and safety of domestic workers
In recent years, human trafficking has emerged as a global scourge, exploiting the vulnerable and tarnishing the reputation of nations accused of harboring such nefarious activities. Among the victims...
Unlocking athletic excellence through proper nutrition
Proper nutrition is the cornerstone of athletic performance, a truth that resonates across all levels of sports, from amateur enthusiasts to elite athletes. While rigorous training and talent play...
Ramadhan and Eid across Islamic nations
As the crescent moon signals the arrival of Ramadhan, millions of Muslims around the world embark on a month-long journey of fasting, prayer, and reflection. This holy month holds immense significance...
The mysteries behind our shared yawns
Yawning — it's something we all do, often without much thought. But have you ever noticed how yawning seems to be contagious?You see someone yawn, and suddenly, you're doing the same. You might now...