Saturday, September 21, 2024 | Rabi' al-awwal 17, 1446 H
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32°C / 32°C



The Sultanate of Oman is blessed with a magnificent coastline extending 3,165 km across the Gulf of Oman and the Arabian Sea, both of which are part of the Indian Ocean. Yet, it is a worry that this vast expanse of ocean is responsible for the highest rates of infant deaths in our Sultanate, as demonstrated to us time and time again with tragic stories we hear about on the news.

With over a thousand beaches along Oman’s coastline to explore, and many activities to enjoy like swimming, snorkeling, kitesurfing, wakeboarding, sailing, and diving.

Knowing how to swim is extremely important. The ocean is a great way to have fun but it is also essential to understand the dangers of the sea and to proceed with caution and take the necessary safety concerns to help keep you safe.

Ask yourself if you are a confident swimmer, as many drowning incidents happen because the person doesn’t know how to swim. If you don’t know how to swim or feel uneasy in the water, there are many things you can do to become a better swimmer.

Practice in safe places with a confident swimmer who knows how to swim. Take swimming lessons with certified teachers. Learn how to float, move, and gain confidence in the water.

Riptides are naturally occurring phenomena, creating a strong current that pulls things out from the shore. It is necessary to understand what a riptide current is, how the water in a riptide current can pull you away from the shore, and to know what to do in this situation. Remember not to worry. It is crucial not to panic, and instead of swimming directly back to the shore - swim sideways, parallel to the beach. Once you're out of the strong water, you can swim back to the shore safely.

If you need help, just raise your hand and call for a lifeguard or an adult nearby. They're there to keep you safe!

If you are struggling in the water, try to stay calm: Take a big breath and don’t panic. Float on your back to help you rest and keep your face out of the water. Wave your arms and call out for help if possible, and finally, if you have a floating or a boogie board, hold onto it. It will help you stay afloat while you wait for help.

You can recognise if someone is in trouble in the water in several ways. These relate to signs from quietness to bobbing up and down in the water, with their head back and mouth close to the water. Wide eyes can also be a good tell; try to recognise if the person's eyes look afraid, if their hair is over their face, or if it looks like they might be struggling to breathe.

If you see someone in the water who looks like this, it's really important to get help right away. Don't try to help them yourself unless you've learned how to do it safely. The most important thing is to tell an adult so they can help the person who is in trouble.

With Oman’s stunning beaches, we hope everyone takes the necessary precautions to enjoy the coast safely and protect their loved ones.

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