In a groundbreaking journey with the world’s first fully electric two-seat convertible, the Turner Twins, Hugo and Ross, encounter Omani twins Tariq al Busaidi and Al Mundhir al Busaidi. The Turner Twins, renowned for their pioneering adventures, are currently on a global tour with the MG Cyberster, an emission-free marvel.
Over the past decade, the Turner Twins have embarked on expeditions to some of the most remote and challenging terrains by land, sea, and air, using cutting-edge sustainable technologies. Their mission: to explore the enigmatic Poles of Inaccessibility (POIs) and push the boundaries of sustainable adventure. Their motto, ‘stronger together,’ reflects the collaborative spirit that has driven their success.
In Oman, the Turner Twins were hosted by Tarik and Munther. The encounter led to an afternoon of coastal exploration near Muscat and a friendly yet competitive football match with a local team. Reflecting on their experience, the Turner Twins noted, “Meeting Tarik and Munther was an incredible experience - almost uncanny! We’ve never met twins so alike. Our journey from London to Shanghai brought us through Oman, and the chance to connect with local twins was a highlight of our trip. Exploring Oman’s coast and playing football with a local team deepened our appreciation for the country’s rich culture and natural beauty.”
The Turner Twins’ journey into the world of adventure was sparked by a life-changing event — Hugo’s near-fatal accident at age 17. Surviving a broken neck, Hugo and his brother Ross resolved to make the most of their good fortune.
Their first major expedition was a transatlantic row in 2011, raising funds for spinal research, marking the beginning of their full-time careers in adventure and exploration. Their current global project is centered on identifying the world’s Poles of Inaccessibility, having already visited four of these remote locations. This initiative not only challenges the limits of new technology but also advocates for the feasibility of emission-free travel in even the harshest environments — an endeavour that holds significant implications for sustainable urban living.
During their time in Oman, the Turner Twins were captivated by the country’s unspoiled landscapes and the warmth of its people. They marveled at the low-rise architecture, the dramatic mountains, and the serene coastline stretching toward Salalah, noting that much of Oman remains untouched by tourism and brimming with potential for discovery.
Growing up in Devon, in southwest England, the Turner Twins developed an early passion for the great outdoors, which has since evolved into a career dedicated to exploring the planet’s most challenging terrains. Looking ahead, their immediate focus is on completing the ‘Charging into the Future’ project — a seven-month journey that represents the cutting edge of emission-free transportation.
Their future plans include continuing their quest to explore the Poles of Inaccessibility, further pushing the boundaries of sustainable travel on land, air, and sea. They are also considering branching into adventure television, leveraging their unique twin dynamic to captivate a broader audience.
One of the significant challenges they have faced on their current project has been navigating the complexities of local regulations. Despite their initial plan to drive the MG Cyberster across multiple countries, they encountered obstacles that required them to fly to the next destination and pick up a new vehicle. Ironically, it is not the environment but made-made laws and conflicts that have posed the greatest hurdles to their mission.
The Turner Twins are also pioneering an electric paramotor project, with sponsorship from Breitling and Panasonic. This ambitious initiative aims to set a world record for tandem electric paramotor altitude, demonstrating the potential of current technology in the realm of adventure sports.
With each expedition, the Turner Twins continue to leave a lasting impact, inspiring others to embrace the possibilities of sustainable adventure and exploration, and proving that even the remotest corners of the earth can be explored responsibly.
On Instagram, you can follow the Turner Twins at @theturnertwiins, and Tarik and Munther at @thetwins8_.
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