SUHAR: During the first half of 2024, Sohar Industrial City, managed by the Public Establishment for Industrial Estates (Madayn), has successfully attracted 22 new projects with a total investment exceeding RO 43 million. These projects are being developed over an expansive area of more than 239,000 square meters.
Eng Abdullah bin Ahmed al Mayasi, Director General of Sohar Industrial City, announced that Madayn has completed the infrastructure project for the seventh phase of Sohar Industrial City, achieving 100% completion within the first half of the year. Additionally, consultancy studies for improvement works on phases 1-6 have been finalized. These improvements focus on two main aspects: enhancing services provided to investors and developing areas previously untouched by earlier projects.
Al Mayasi also highlighted that Sohar Industrial City has attracted four significant projects in the Ladayn plastic industries complex, with investments totaling RO 21 million. These projects occupy an area of over 53,000 square meters within the complex. Ladayn is a pivotal strategic project aimed at achieving self-sufficiency in plastic products for Oman and strengthening its global presence. The complex supports the local industrial sector by introducing new, value-added products, fostering the development of related industries, integrating modern technology, and creating an attractive investment environment for both local and international investors. — ONA
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