Tuesday, March 11, 2025 | Ramadan 10, 1446 H
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Strive for clarity of thought


Change is constant. Now the question is whether it for better or worse? Some changes we just have to accept. Even when we try to defy age and go through procedures, people still look different. And nothing can bring back the glow and youthfulness of teen years.

On the other hand, each decade makes us evolve and we should value our experiences and be proud of everything we have gone through because that is what makes us who we are.

When we are young, our parents and family members are proud of any trace of talent in us. Years pass by, and most of the talents are overlooked because it may not make much economic sense. So talent remains a spark not a light.

Instead, if we had taken up a bit of training and a little more, we would have become skillful and no matter what profession you take up you would be that person with extra skills. People who have skills tend to become problem solvers, we all have noticed that. These are the same people who have a way of looking at life from different perspectives. There is no room for boredom. In other words, people with extra skills are happier people.

It could be linguistic skills, ability to recycle, flair for training, life coach or artists. While they are good people to be inspired by. In today’s world there are opportunities to monetise the talent. But for this we need to learn the skills to become a professional. The person who taught me this concept was the late Shaikh Khalfan al Esry, Islamic Scholar and life coach.

So what is the most important skill in life? According to most experts it would have to be decision making, and other skills such as creative thinking, interpersonal relationship skills, self awareness building skills, empathy and the ability to handle stress and emotions. If you notice it is obvious that most of these skills can be taught and developed from home. However, it is not that easy as well and that is because each person is born with their own personality, as any mother would vouch. Even the newborns show a clear pattern of personality.

So while we can blame the environment and the surroundings for having an influence on the child’s personality. There is no denying the gene pool of the person too. Self awareness, self esteem and self confidence are built every day to every month. Then there is a very thin line between confidence and over confidence. Another wonderful skill is to know your weaknesses and strengths.

When these skills are needed the most when one seeks a job. What employers are looking for are critical thinking and problem solving. So can you imagine when we become the problem by being demanding and being finicky. The prerequisites of a workplace are the skills to be a team player and are able to collaborate with others. Then comes the oral and written communication skills. When we are beginning our career we often do not understand these requirements, but all one has to do is put oneself in the shoes of the employer. This is when we understand why we need an understanding team player.

Today, life has evolved in many ways and if there is any area you are confused about one can always learn online most of the time free of cost.

In the initial days it was about getting the news online, but now it is about attending classes and meetings online and Google anything to have a quick update.

But it is the attitude that really makes a person different from others. That attitude has to come from within and this is where the state of the mind is important more than anything else. The set of qualifications may not hold if one is not able to communicate and present oneself.

A clear mind with clarity of thought is what we should strive for. And that requires a whole different set of skills from breathing to control of thoughts.

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