Monday, September 16, 2024 | Rabi' al-awwal 12, 1446 H
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Ambassadors of peace and hope


Summer is here even though the official date is June 21.

We have been used to getting rain showers and sudden plunge in temperatures and now the heat is taking its toll on us. It is brighter, sunnier, and we have begun to look for a shade.

We realise once again how blessing each tree is.

Meanwhile, Al Hajar Mountains have begun to see local clouds for afternoon summer showers. And Al Hamra enjoyed an afternoon shower on Sunday. It is May after all, we managed to enjoy pleasant weather all this time.

Summer also means signs of impatience, love for cottons and light colours and air conditioning. It also indicates summer holidays and trips to keep the younger ones busy.

The summer escape is indeed popular and everyone looks for places where children could have fun. And that probably means theme parks and game centres. There is a growing demand for destinations that can keep children entertained. Keeping them entertained, however is not enough, adequate measures are to be in place for their safety too.


Speaking of children it was amazing to see the opening of the new premises in Ghala for the Association of Early Intervention for Children with Disability. The journey has been exceptional. It was established in 2000. This charitable organisation that depends solely on grants from the government, private companies, organisations and individuals, is one place which provides a range of services for children with disabilities from birth to the age of 9.

It is satisfying to see the growth and transformation of the association as the doors are opened for the new centre. Some of the children have grown up and one of them is Samar who was keen to show the frankincense burner he has made. Samar explained in English how he and his friends make different products. He explained how one can burn bakhoor or frankincense and have a fragrance-filled room.

These children are true ambassadors of hope.

For every parent going through doubts and fears, these children prove that the world is yet to understand about the different abilities.

What is required is awareness and learning the various methodologies to intervene at the right age. It might be an expensive deal in many places but here the centre is a partner with the families for not just moral support but with knowledge and resources.

The brand new swimming pool is fun but is also a tool for therapy. The therapist who was going through a swimming session with a child explained that being in the water helps in moving hands, mobility, relaxation of muscles, it takes lot of pressure from the joints and water makes us smile.

The opening ceremony brought together interesting group of people - among the distinguished guests were also distinct individuals who were pioneers in volunteering in Oman. They gleamed with pride as they went on a tour of the centre with the chief guest, the Minister of Health.

They fondly remembered the time when they gathered to collect 22 to 23 signatures to apply for this centre. Then there were the fund raising events. And the excitement when the land was granted by His Majesty the Sultan.

They were all building blocks and the centre today is self-sufficient in facilities and services.

May 6, 2024 will always be a special day for the team.

Science continue to pave new ways to overcome challenges and we can for sure find new ways with the use of Artificial Intelligence. AI powered speech recognition has already enhanced quality of life for many individuals with disabilities whether visually or hearing impaired, but also in the case of accessibility.

All the associations will surely be in need of volunteers with compassion and innovative thoughts and ideas. Not to forget the exceptional teachers and therapists as well as the medical experts and support staff.

But not to forget are the parents and family members who also need training and moral support.

The society also has to do much more for inclusivity and creating opportunities. It is not about giving the chance to prove themselves but coming up with new ways so that the individuals with different abilities and disabilities have means to express themselves and be earning members of the society.

And let their voice be heard.

I heard the voice when we went to see Bridging Nations in action founded by Madeleine ImKey - the 17 artists and 17 children and youth with different abilities and skills - interpreting 17 Sustainable Development Goals on canvas by working in pairs at the Music Palace. Just as we entered the room, a young member said, “How nice! We love you, because you came to see us.””

With expressions like that they are truly the ambassadors for peace.

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