Having quit a full time job as a HSE professional, Nasser al Harthy plunged head on and took up photography as a full time job.
A dedicated photophile, Nasser’s pictures on camels, horses and bulls stand out for its sheer brilliance. These were snapped during the various festivals and traditional events hosted during the Eid celebrations in the wilayats.
Photography for Nasser is an art and ‘one has to learn to be creative’, he says. Having slogged for nearly three decades as a HSE professional at PDO, he wanted to focus more on the cultural and traditional values in his works which will leave an imprint in life.
His passion for photography started long back in the late 80s. As a kid he was engaged in doing watercolour painting, when he used to paint looking at pictures from magazines and periodicals.
Recalls Nasser: “I bought my first film a roll camera, so I could take photos and paint by glancing at them from my photographs. This however did not last long as I discontinued my painting and continued taking photos with a film camera. Those days you cannot afford a DLSR, therefore a roll film camera was a precious gadget to be proud of. Later on, I moved to more advance ones like instant cameras and others."
His hunger for photography reached its zenith when he acquired a DLSR. He, however, does not believe in the notion of possessing expensive equipment for photography.
To be an excellent photographer, he says, “One has to have a passion and dedication and believe in your work and capture images to share to the world.”
Nasser confesses that camels are the toughest to catch on frame during festival races. “The beasts are very composed in its body structure and have unpredictable movement. It takes different manoeuvres each time until they get to their feet and hit track. It is within those few seconds off the kick is where you need to get the real action shots.”
Another challenging image from his lens happened in Al Hamra. This was the last stage of the horse race and the galloping horse was about to end the race. The horse was a bit nervous as there was a sizable crowd in the area, while the rider wanted to deviate the route, the horse started lifting the rider normally defying the command. He was lucky enough to capture the superb frame as he was positioned at the right spot.
Due to COVID-19 pandemic, his plans to hold a solo exhibition did not materialise. He participated in two exhibitions in November 2018 and August 2019 organised by Friday Shoot Out (FSO), a photography group and India Social Culture Photography Group (ISCPG) of which he is a member.
Says Nasser: “My photography passion combines all my interests exactly the same as what interests me into aspects of photography mainly from daily life activities, people. I try to delve deep in my interest in order to know my subject.”
He is planning a solo exhibition in Muscat and abroad if all goes well. Looking ahead he is also planning an exhibition in future with three of his colleagues who have been together in many events and also journey across India, Indonesia and South Africa on a wildlife photography tour.
Presently his photography and videography services in Al Ameerat offers a range of services for clients from corporate to school and charity events, photo restoration works and special occasions
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