As we completed the holy month of Ramadhan, Muslims around the world celebrated Eid al Fitr, a festive season where we celebrate the achievements of 30 days of fasting and worshiping.
During Eid day’s, people exchange greetings and spend time with families and friends eating different types of food and remembering the poor who are unable to have the same level of festivity. We also see food dishes being exchanged between the houses and small children receiving their Eid money from their parents, uncles, and aunties.
I remember as a child the excitement that precedes Eid day and the new clothes that are still a tradition these days even when people are able to afford new clothes at any time of the year.
Wearing new clothes for Eid is a must, regardless of your age. Eid, like another festive season, is an opportunity to thank God for giving us the strength to complete fasting during the month of Ramadhan and to express gratitude for all the good things that God granted us.
It is also a time to feel peace and amend our relationships with people around us, sometimes people from the same families have quarrels and misunderstandings which leads them to lose contact with one another despite feeling the hurt of the broken relationship, some people hide behind their pride and ego and avoid reconciliation.
If you find yourself in such a situation, be the first to extend your hand and forgive, make Eid the occasion for new binging like other festivities.
Eid is a time to enjoy special meals, be it sweets or meat dishes, yet one has to be mindful that after 30 days of fasting your digestive system is unable to process a large amount of food at the same time so be kind to your stomach and take it easy with food to avoid unnecessary visits to the hospital emergency department where doctors and nurses are expected to manage emergencies and save lives. Since the first day of Eid marks the end of Ramadhan some people may experience different adjusting their sleeping time since the majority of us stay up late during Ramadhan to eat and then sleep during the day.
For some people, the shift back to the pre-Ramadhan sleeping schedule may be difficult so they end up sleeping during the day and missing out on different activities.
If you find yourself experiencing such a problem, try to limit your caffeine intake and go to bed early so you can get up fresh the following morning. Some people travel to their villages to spend time with their extended families which means sleeping in a different place and beds than you are used to.
Make sure the room temperature is adjusted and the level of darkness is appropriate to help you fall asleep during the day.
Remember to schedule some time for physical exercise in the evening to help your body feel tired just enough for natural sleep to kick in.
Finally, wherever you spend your Eid, stay safe and have yourself a wonderful time.
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