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How to manage stress during the pandemic


Pandemic changed the lives of people throughout the world. As per the medico psychologists stress has increased in all spans of human lives.

Especially social media doctors spread many rumours on Covid-19 which made people worry a lot. Thanks to the print media which clarified the situations with numerical data.

As per Mark Flanagan, LMSW, MPH, MA, a social worker at Cancer Wellness at Piedmont, “Some common causes of stress during the coronavirus pandemic are uncertainty, lack of routine and reduced social support” really it’s a fact because people afraid with this virus even son is unable to attend father’s funeral from the distance also. Man is a social animal and he needs society's support to come out from stress.

Stress management is important for healthy life and it’s especially important these days as our world addresses the Covid-19 pandemic. This article tries to give some tips to come out from the stress.

1.Create a daily self-care habit

Self-care means to say that which stresses physical exercise, meditation, reading, painting, journaling and cooking or enjoying a favorite hobby. Select any one thing and do it at the same time each day. It will help anchor your day and provide a welcome from your inner body.

2.Try to limit news and media consumption.

“When we constantly check our newsfeeds and see bad news, it will activate our sympathetic nervous system and can send us into fight-or-flight mode,” says Flanagan. He recommends limiting how often you check the news to once or twice a day (ideally not first thing in the morning or after dinner), turning off news alerts, and obtaining information from one or two reputable news outlets. This will control our mind to enter the negativity from outside

3.Try to set boundaries for social media.

We should remember that “It’s important to practice social distance with social media too. We may not think we’re having any effect on our newsfeed, but we can take steps to reduce the negative effect of panic on social media.” But try to suggest your social media group to post positive messages.


In the world it is proven that meditation brings relief from stress. Meditation can help us to restore our sense of control.


We know many things but we don’t know what we are. Try to understand your own power. Think that the world experienced many disasters which are worse than these and medical support is too little. Now the world has developed in medicine. This is not permanent. Good days are coming. Try to be a part of needy people and try to see shining in the eyes of the poor.

History has proved that man has come out from many issues and developed better than the past. Read the stories which inspire you positively.


The writer is from Oman College of Management and Technology

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