Friday, March 07, 2025 | Ramadan 6, 1446 H
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As the world is witnessing the digital age today, millions of people are using technology every single moment of their life! They could control and manage various devices with just a press of the button. To tell the truth, many aspects of people’s lifestyle have changed as being impacted by technology in one way or another! Basically, technology has attacked the day-to-day life activities and people became more connected digitally nowadays. Almost everyone is attached to at least one type of technological advancements.

With such a strong connection, can anyone imagine how life would look like without technology! Would people get comfortable and decent living as they have today?

Would people be more socially connected with each other? Would there be many scientific advances? Definitely, without technology the world would be totally a different place. But, one has to think that the world becomes better with or without technology? Probably, what everyone is sure about is that

every change has its price to be paid sooner or later!

On the other side, with the emergence of various new technological applications, people get much busier than before. Case in a point, with the social media becoming a trend among people of all ages, you hardly find a person without being connected on a social media platform. You cannot imagine how people are getting addicted to these platforms. Children as well are getting more fascinated by technology and social media. Commonly, they are having accounts on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook too.

Having all these social media platforms accessible on mobile is what really encourages people to get addicted. People are more connected to their devices than with each other. Their socialisation with one another is becoming much easier via social media and technology and even more than direct social interaction. It is really a frightening phenomenon!

Among the most commonly used social media platforms, which is at everyone’s reach today is the Whatsapp. The broadcasts, messages and chats shared on Whatsapp are becoming talk of the town and everybody’s source of interest.

It is becoming the most important application that everyone has to have on the mobile phone. People are spending not just their free time on Whatsapp, but they never disconnect their attention from it while at work or home.

Continuous chatting, either on Whatsapp or other platforms, is the common addiction among many people. They are twitting and instagraming on every single thing that happens to them regardless its significance. Despite how personal the thing is or not, what matters to them is getting their things publicised among friends and social media fans. What is worrying more is when employees waste their working hours on chatting rather than focusing at work.

Eventually, they will be losing their sense of responsibility and devotion at work. What is really worse is the negative influence of technology overall on people’s social life. It affects their values and habits unfortunately! Although, it helps creating friendships and partnerships, it can break relationships and destroy careers too especially when one gets into others’ business.

If better understood, Technology is a sword of two edges; either to make life or break it! Although it offers better means to man’s day to day living, it also has unwanted results and impacts on one’s life. With social media, for instance, it is up to one what to post or communicate. One has to think twice before putting anything that might fires back. Otherwise, you have only got yourself to blame for what you posted. Thus, one shall be very cautious when pressing the button of any social media platform for what sometimes what goes out could not be recalled back again.

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