
Oman by UTMB now a family opportunity: Get on board!

Ray Petersen
Ray Petersen
It’s entirely appropriate that on the same day you can see blood, sweat and tears from the worlds elite ultra-athletes at the end of November, you can share a light-hearted, family day out at Al Hamra, by putting in some quality time with the kids. Event managers, Oman Sail, have purposely created a variety of events that will cater to and attract all sections of the community to their event as part of their ongoing philosophy of getting Omanis and expats for that matter, committed to healthier lifestyles. Speaking to the Oman Sail team last week, I discovered that there are still spots available in most events as either participants or competitors, and not all are competitors, but all of you can be participants. Oman by UTMB is presenting an inaugural event for parents and their kids to be able to run together. How good is that? I’ve never heard of it before and it is a remarkable concept. The 2-km event, for kids from 6-13 years, has a wee hill in it, about as high as a two storied house, so won’t tax them too much, they’ll do the 2 km on adrenaline probably. Mums and Dads looking for a fun family day out can enter the 2-km category that their child is running and accompany them in the decade’s most innovative sporting and family event. You can register online and it only costs RO 2! There’s only one thing Mums and Dads, your kids are never gonna let you forget if they beat you, are they? But what an incredible fun day out. And then after the event you can hang about, take a spectator role in the other events, cheer and yell yourselves hoarse, and then towards the ‘business end of the day, mix with the world’s elite trail-runners, get autographs and selfies. It will be a genuine family experience, and as Ahmed Al Balushi, representing the Oman Sports School Association, said recently, “This is a golden, not to be missed, opportunity for kids to explore Oman’s nature and appreciate its beauty, while these new races will encourage kids to get active, have fun and appreciate the outdoors.” There’s even a special youth challenge in play. The educational institution with the highest number of students crossing the finish-line will win a voucher of RO 1,000 worth of sports equipment! At the same time, there are races for the ‘Friday Fit’ enthusiasts. You know, you guys and girls who go for a run up and down Qurum Beach at the weekends, or the ‘Friday Bikers,’ who go for a cycle ride every Friday morning before coffee at Starbucks, or you ‘Fly-by-nighters,’ you night time runners who think you’re fit, and have all the best shoes and gear, but it hardly ever gets used because you pull every excuse in the book to have a latte, without a run! Yep, for you guys, there are 5 km and 10 km events, and you can take part on your own terms: Either be competitive till the end, be competitive till your fitness fails you, or just go for a run simply for the sake of doing something nice for your ‘bod!’ These events are a chance for you to exert yourself as much, or as little as you want. Whether it’s “something ‘cool’ to do,” something you can work into your regular (or irregular) fitness routine, or a speculative look at trail running. For a modest entry fee, only RO 5 or 10, you will have a ton of fun! This day is for you, and starting and finishing in Al Hamra, you will be surrounded by some of the most magnificent scenery you will ever see. Take the family, the babies for the fresh air, the kids for the 2 km, the teenagers for their events, do the Mum and Dad thing, and maybe even ‘dip your toes’ in the waters of an exercise run for yourself, and let Grandma and Grandad look after the kids while you do. Oman by UTMB is not just for the super-athletes, but for the family. I’ll see you there!