
Change our attitude to work, not remittances

Much is being said about the money transfer being made by the expatriate workers. Lots of conclusions are being drawn. Some of them are right and some are wrong. Many are inaccurate in their analysis. During discussion on the subject, some have expressed their views on it in a way which does not reflect our moral and ethical values. All this is happening without understanding of the issue. It is important for all of us to know why the money is being transferred abroad by the expatriates before we change our behaviour towards them and look into various types of professions. If we work in all sorts of professions without any exception, give up our lethargy and dependence and replace expatriates, only then we can discuss the issue of increase in money transfers by the expatriates. Before shedding tears on social media on the issue, we should stop our indifference about certain professions which we consider below our dignity and self-respect. Ideally, we should take up all types of work. Only then remittances would stop and it would come to our pockets without any much efforts. We must understand the issue, before giving our views and demanding taxes on remittances. The market economy adopted by the developed countries gives freedom to transfer money without any restrictions. Primarily, we should accept that the wages or salaries which workers get are their right guaranteed by the local and international laws. We, as Muslims, also demand that the workers should get their wages. Similarly, it is not fair to control their wages and put restrictions on their transfers just on the pretext that the remittances abroad are increasing year after year. The actual logic is that it is their money and only they have the right to do whatever they want to do with it in a legitimate way. We should also look within. There is hidden trade going on in the country. The expatriate workers hide behind the citizens and operate with their support. It shows that we are also responsible for the remittance which we are complaining about. We should look at the matter objectively without blaming someone or the other. As citizens, we must run companies ourselves. The government works hard to ensure that there is no duplication in doing business. It also takes other measures to ensure that the businesses grow and the citizens get employed. But the greatest and hard work is required to change our outlook and views about the philosophy of work. We should be aware of the real problem and realise that by proposing impossible solutions we are cheating ourselves and creating hurdles for ourselves. The world economy is being run through a system which is agreed upon by all. Any control on remittances can only be done under international laws and without troubling workers who are working legally in any country. ali.matani2@gmail.com