
Do not miss to see the International Space Station

International Space Station (ISS)
International Space Station (ISS)
The International Space Station (ISS) will pass over the skies of the Sultanate of Oman this evening.

According to Falak Oman, the station will pass at a speed of 27,600 km per hour, will appear at exactly 6:31 pm, and will last for only three minutes.

The station will move from north to northeast at an altitude of 434 km kilometers above sea level, making it an ideal opportunity for observation and sighting.

Falak Oman said that enthusiasts should choose open locations away from lights, and to prepare cameras to monitor this event.

The station will appear as a bright star moving quickly across the sky.

According to reports, it is possible to see ISS from Earth because the structure reflects sunlight, appearing as a bright white pinpoint of light in the sky.