
Education reform and global competitiveness...

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The Sultanate of Oman is making remarkable progress in driving education reforms with its commitment to fostering globally competitive education system, aligned with Oman Vision 2040 which prioritises education, learning, scientific research and national capabilities. By addressing gaps identified in international assessments, Oman can raise its education system to meet international standards, ensuring its students are competitive and innovative workforce in the global economy.

Education systems around the world face significant obstacles in equipping students with skills that are essential to the 21st-century workforce, such as critical thinking, creativity, and digital literacy. Moreover, they encounter challenges related to learning gaps and inequality as millions of children lack access to quality education, with disparities based on gender, geography, and socioeconomic status. The rapid shift to digital learning has been a major concern for education systems. It has exposed significant gaps in infrastructure, access to devices, and digital skills for both students and teachers. Additionally, issues such as pandemics, climate change, and economic instability disrupt learning and strain education systems worldwide.

Oman’s education policy is based on a strong commitment to global excellence to address various challenges and issues. It has solidified its position on the global education map through its regular participation in international assessments like PIRLS (Progress in International Reading Literacy Study) and TIMSS (Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study). These platforms have highlighted Oman’s steady improvement in literacy, mathematics, and science, earning international recognition for its progress.

The Ministry of Education has leveraged these studies to teacher training, curriculum alignment with global standards, and data-driven interventions to address performance gaps.

Furthermore, it has adopted strategic planning and project management methodologies to streamline its efforts. This has ensured accountability, efficiency, and transparency regarding the measurable impact of its participation in these international studies. The Ministry of Education welcomes its active involvement in international studies, as these provide a framework for enhancing reform programmes that emphasise the importance of providing vocational and technical education aligned with global standards, fostering innovation, and preparing youth for the demands of a knowledge-based economy by integrating skills like communication, problem-solving, and digital literacy into the curricula.

To address any challenges when working towards Oman Vision 2040 objectives, the ministry has launched the national study programme to provide a baseline of where the country stands in terms of students’ achievement, curriculum standards, and teaching practices. It also investigates local factors like socioeconomic status and regional disparities. It reviews current curricula and plays a pivotal role in identifying gaps, such as the need to have a stronger focus on critical thinking or inquiry-based learning. This initiative addresses logistical and operational challenges when administering tests. Such efforts have helped Oman interpret its international study results more effectively and target improvements that align with international standards while addressing local needs.

Results from previous cycles have demonstrated consistent improvement. For example, improved reading scores in PIRLS resulted from stronger literacy programmes which were introduced in Cycle One (Grades 1–4). The results also showcased the positive impact of initiatives such as updated curricula and comprehensive teacher training programs that ensure educators are equipped with modern teaching methodologies like workshops on student-centered learning or digital teaching tools. With PIRLS 2026 on the horizon, Oman’s commitment to global competitiveness and excellence is more evident than ever.

By embracing international benchmarks and prioritizing reform, Oman is poised to nurture a generation ready to excel on the world stage and pave the way for a future-ready generation, aligned with international education standards. Oman’s efforts to future-proof its education system by incorporating global best practices have already yielded observable results.