
The harsh struggle for survival...

The Israeli army has made political rather than military gains during the recent period of the conflict. The murder of some key figures from Hamas and others by sudden or secret attacks is often carried out for political reasons. The aim is clear.

Israel aims to restore confidence as well as faith and belief among its people that the government, army and intelligence services act in a right, proper, and effective way, after a yearlong state of absence of concrete progress on the ground.

However, the Israeli people know that their government, army and intelligence services have not achieved peace nor have they made achievement of mastery or success in the struggle against Palestinians in Gaza.

For a year, the Israelis have never seen peace as they live in disquieting and oppressive thoughts and emotions. Although they take every opportunity to celebrate every minute act they achieve on ground, war masters cannot make an appropriate and counterbalancing compensation for the loss of life of an Israeli soldier killed in fighting. The bereaved families receive nothing but condolences, words of sympathy expressed at an event made to hold up or play up for public notice that serves the propaganda of the military.

Everyday, Israeli soldiers are getting killed. They do not face an organised army, nor do they apply the rules of engagement which other armies deployed during the times of war. As the days pass in the battlefield, Israeli soldiers, as human beings, go through some feelings or show a state of self-conscious confusion and distress by the killing of civilians and unarmed people.

On the other side of the conflict, killing some key figures from Hamas does not mean that the conflict is over. Palestinians fight against Israel is based on an Islamic belief that Muslims, at an end of conflict, achieve either victory or martyrdom. Reaching such a state, there is nothing in between.

The Islamic culture is unique during the times of war. When Muslims pray on ordinary days, they ask Allah to grant them a good ending to their lives. But at the times of war, Muslims address Allah with adoration, confession, supplication, and thanksgiving. They pray at all times to Allah to grant them martyrdom in the battlefield. As Muslims believe in the afterlife, martyrs, as prescribed by Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) are placed in juxtaposition to prophets on the day of judgement.

With such a way of thinking, non-muslims cannot gain the victory in such a contest. Palestinians, in addition, adopt resistance as a way of fighting. Hamas and Palestinians are akin to an ideological way of thinking, forming an underground organisation to engage in acts deemed as legitimate fight against occupation forces and collaborators. Resistance does not involve one individual and cannot be solely attributed to one person, but rather an ideology that cannot be easily uprooted.

Palestinians know that the road to liberation or heaven is rough, characterised by harshness, violence, and use of force. They face a merciless enemy, devoid of pity, with no intention to have or show mercy, compassion and forbearance.

While the world stands with hands tied or helpless, the harsh struggle of Palestinians evidently shows a sense of inaction and powerlessness on the part of all countries in this situation. I wholeheartedly urge international players with wisdom and sound judgement to step forward and find a way out for this war that causes and entails suffering and privation. Is there not among you a wise man?