
The US and UK’s unjust support for Zionist aggression, atrocities

Israel will lose this war because it cannot win and The 'Axis of Resistance' will win because it cannot lose

The ongoing Israeli-Palestinian conflict, now tragically expanding into Lebanon, continues to expose the support of Western powers for the immoral Zionist regime, particularly the United States and the United Kingdom.

For decades these nations have provided unwavering political, financial and military support to Israel, even as it engages in policies causing genocide and ethnic cleansing of Palestinians in the State of Palestine.

Today, this moral blindness extends to the wider Middle East as the Israeli Defence Forces (IDF) now face Hezbollah, a formidable and professional military group in Lebanon. Once again the Zionists are facing serious defeats on the battlefield. It would appear that the IDF has been trained to kill only defenceless civilians.

The roots of the conflict can be traced back to the Nakba in 1948, when hundreds of thousands of Palestinians were forcibly expelled from their homes by the Zionist colonialists.

This event marked the beginning of an enduring campaign of displacement, dispossession and violence, leading to ethnic cleansing and human rights crimes.

Over the the last 76 years, Israel has continued to expand illegal settlements on the State of Palestine’s territories, impose harsh blockades on Gaza and carry out military operations that have resulted in the deaths of thousands of Palestinian civilians, mostly women and children.

One million Lebanese civilians have already been displaced with many hundreds of innocent Lebanese families killed by Zionist troops. If the Zionists are not stopped now and on the battlefield they will eventually do the same to other civilians in neighbouring countries.

These actions, condemned globally by many activists and scholars, are genocide, a systematic attempt to erase the Palestinian presence. Yet, despite widespread international outcry, the US and the UK have continued to support Israel diplomatically and militarily.

The unconditional support of these two Western powers has shielded Israel from accountability in international forums such as the United Nations, where countless resolutions condemning Israeli actions have been vetoed or ignored.

But the IDF is now facing Hezbollah. Hezbollah is a highly organised and battle-hardened group based in Lebanon. Unlike the previous confrontations where Israeli forces primarily targeted Palestinian civilians, including thousands of children, they are now facing a professional military force with significant experience and training. The result? The IDF has already suffered its first major defeat in the first confrontation with Hezbollah.

Hezbollah has proven to be a formidable opponent, capable of mounting sophisticated resistance against Israeli incursions. This marks a significant shift from Israel’s previous military engagements, where its overwhelming force was deployed against a largely unarmed or poorly armed civilian population.

The loss of this first battle is a stark reminder that Israel’s military might not guarantee success when faced with an organised and professional force, especially one that is defending its territory and people with ferocity and resolve.

The US and UK’s role in these conflicts cannot be overstated. Both nations have long been Israel’s primary allies, providing billions in military aid and political cover for its actions. The US, in particular, has supplied Israel with advanced weaponry, much of which has been used in operations that have caused widespread destruction in Palestinian and Lebanese territories and the deaths of many thousands of children and innocent families. Meanwhile, the UK has historically supported Zionist ambitions in the region, from the Balfour Declaration in 1917 to its modern-day diplomatic and military backing.

This support is not just a matter of policy; it is a matter of morality. By enabling the Zionists’ continued aggression and occupation, both the US and the UK are complicit in the atrocities committed against the Palestinian and Lebanese people.

Their governments, while publicly championing human rights and democracy, have turned a blind eye to the suffering of millions which they unreasonably justify by geopolitical interests and strategic alliances in the Middle East.

The cost of this moral failure and hypocrisy is immense.

Palestinians continue to live under occupation, denied basic human rights and dignity. The ongoing siege of Gaza has created one of the worst humanitarian crises in modern history, with millions trapped in a tiny, blockaded strip.

But Israel will lose this war because it cannot win. The 'Axis of Resistance' will win because it cannot lose.

Karim Easterbrook

The writer is Former School Principal Cambridge UK