
Embracing the thrill of sports climbing

At a young age, he was aware of the beauty of the mountains surrounding his village. Living in Balad Seet in Rustaq, he has admired those mountains, and being one of the most fertile places in Oman, he has seen families, relatives, and friends till the soil so it can yield crops that are not only used at home but also sold in nearby markets.

Beyond farming, Rustaq is also known for its beautiful hiking trails and tourist attractions. And for Saud Al Thuhli, his passion allowed him to reimagine how he could enjoy those towering mountains even more.

Oman offers a diverse range of exceptional locations for expert climbers, whether they are interested in rock climbing or abseiling. Its striking mountainous terrain has long captivated adventurers, particularly during the winter months, when climbers can experience the exhilaration of ascending various types of peaks. The most renowned climbing destinations are Jebel Shams, Majlis Al Jinn Cave, and Jebel Al Misht.

Like many other climbing enthusiasts, Saud's fascination with the towering peaks began in childhood, and he embarked on his climbing journey in 2006, at the age of 13, alongside foreign climbers visiting Oman.

In the early days, climbing was simply a hobby for Saud, something he pursued when time and circumstances allowed. However, his growing passion soon transformed the mountains into an integral part of his life. To enhance his skills, Saud turned to fitness, recognizing that improved physical conditioning would lead to more effective and enjoyable climbing experiences. Gradually, he learned the essential techniques and safety measures necessary for more advanced climbs.

Saud specializes in sport climbing, a discipline that requires ropes and specialized equipment, such as anchors secured into the rock for safety. The cost of the necessary gear, including ropes, carabiners, harnesses, and climbing shoes, initially posed a significant challenge.

In countries like Oman, sport climbing is gaining popularity due to its growing infrastructure, stunning natural landscapes, and increasing awareness of the sport. As interest in outdoor and adventure sports rises globally, Oman's unique terrain and relatively untapped climbing potential have made it a hotspot for those looking for new and exciting climbing experiences. Additionally, the sport’s structured and safety-focused approach makes it appealing to a wider audience, contributing to its rapid growth in the region.

While the sport required investing in gear, Saud managed to partner and network with other enthusiasts, which allowed him to be able to afford to pursue the sport.

Another difficulty Saud faced was the lack of climbing companions, as climbing is typically done in pairs or groups to ensure safety, enjoyment, and motivation. Over time, his connection has gotten wider, and the rise in interest has allowed him to find the right people.

“With the growth of climbing in Oman, the experience has become much more accessible,” Saud explained.

“I believe the Arab region has incredible natural features that make it ideal for climbing, attracting enthusiasts from around the globe,” he added.

“Countries like Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Lebanon, and Egypt have already established climbing federations. We hope to create a similar federation in Oman, led by the Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Youth, to unite Omani climbing enthusiasts who have excelled in the sport,' he shared.

Saud shared that he is also seeing hope as investments are being made into building indoor climbing facilities, which play a crucial role in the development and training of sport climbers, offering a controlled environment where climbers can hone their skills, practice techniques, and build strength year-round, regardless of weather conditions.

These facilities provide climbers with the opportunity to simulate outdoor routes, improve their physical fitness, and practice safety techniques in a safe and accessible setting. For beginners, indoor climbing gyms offer an introduction to the sport in a more approachable and manageable way, while experienced climbers can use them to stay sharp between outdoor climbs and push their limits on advanced routes.

Saud shared that one promising initiative is Adventure World in Muscat, which showcases their talents and innovative ideas.

'They have a nice facility, and for climbers, it's like plug and play where you can come in and enjoy the amenities. There are also varying levels of challenges, and they come with the gear essentials,' Saud shared.

Saud is also happy to note that there have also been numerous efforts being made to make the sport more enticing, with different organisations organising sport climbing tournaments that allow enthusiasts to showcase their learnings and techniques.

Saud believes that these are crucial in creating a more robust community of climbers and encouraging further investment for climbing enthusiasts like him to enjoy.

For those who would like to venture into this sport, Saud emphasised that it's not a sport for everybody. He reminded us that climbers need to develop a mix of physical and technical skills.

'Strength and endurance are key for scaling challenging routes, while flexibility enhances mobility on the rock. Core strength, balance, and footwork are equally important, allowing climbers to navigate holds more efficiently. Technical skills, such as proper belaying, rope management, and using equipment like carabiners and harnesses, are essential for both safety and performance,' he said.

He also advocated that safety is paramount in sport climbing. Climbers should always check their equipment, including harnesses, knots, and anchors, before starting a climb. Wearing a helmet, using appropriate shoes, and double-checking rope systems are critical safety measures. It’s also important to climb with a partner for belaying and to communicate clearly throughout the climb. Understanding weather conditions and knowing your physical limits will help prevent accidents and ensure a successful climb.