
Opinion-The role of the Arab world in Sudan’s future

Sudanese refugees collect water from a borehole at the Gorom Refugee camp
Sudanese refugees collect water from a borehole at the Gorom Refugee camp
As the world watches with averted eyes, the people of Sudan endure an unfolding nightmare. The civil wars and conflicts that ravage this vast and storied land are not mere footnotes in the annals of geopolitical strife; they are a humanitarian catastrophe of monumental proportions.

Sudan is not simply a country with people who represent diversity, resilience, and a rich history and culture. This country is blessed with highly educated human resources, vast and fertile lands, enormous animal wealth, and rich natural resources. It offers promises of growth and development for the Arab world and Africa.

The Sudanese crisis, if left unchecked, harbours the potential to unleash ideological and security perils that will reverberate throughout the Arab world for generations.

The collapse of governance, the scarcity of resources, and the proliferation of armed groups have created a fertile ground for extremism and radical ideologies, most notably among children and youth. The suffering of the Sudanese people is not confined to physical deprivation; it extends to the erosion of their cultural and social fabric, threatening the very identity of this ancient land.

It is imperative that the international community, and particularly the conscientious leaders and policymakers of Oman, the GCC, and Arab world act decisively to prevent Sudan from descending further into chaos and oblivion.

The international community’s apathy towards Sudan’s plight is not merely a moral failing; it is a strategic blunder. The vacuum of power and governance in Sudan provides a breeding ground for extremist ideologies and transnational threats.

The fractures within Sudanese society can easily spill over into neighbouring countries, destabilising the region and fostering a climate of perpetual conflict.

Unfortunately, foreign interventions in Sudan have often been marked by competing interests and a lack of coordination, leading to exacerbated conflicts and further destabilisation.

The Arab world, already grappling with its own array of challenges, cannot afford to ignore the simmering cauldron that Sudan represents. The ideological undercurrents that flow from Sudan’s chaos could seep into the broader Arab world, stoking fires of extremism and unrest.

The suffering of the Sudanese people, if left unaddressed, will echo far beyond Sudan’s borders, haunting the Arab world for years to come.

The situation in Sudan demands a multifaceted approach that addresses both the immediate humanitarian needs and the underlying political and social issues. Hence, a four-track path is proposed as follows:

International humanitarian intervention: The immediate priority must be to alleviate the suffering of the Sudanese people. This requires a coordinated international effort to provide humanitarian aid, ensure safe corridors for displaced persons, and support local and international NGOs working on the ground. The international community must commit substantial resources to address the urgent needs for food, shelter, medical care, and education.

Diplomatic engagement and mediation: The Arab League, the African Union, and the United Nations must take a proactive role in mediating peace talks between the warring factions. These efforts should be supported by key international players, including Oman, whose diplomatic acumen can help bridge divides and foster dialogue. A comprehensive peace agreement that addresses the root causes of conflict, including ethnic tensions, political representation, and resource distribution, is essential.

Strengthening governance and institutions: Long-term stability in Sudan depends on the establishment of robust and inclusive governance structures. The international community must support efforts to build democratic institutions, promote the rule of law, and ensure accountability for war crimes and human rights abuses. This includes providing technical assistance, financial support, and capacity-building programmes to strengthen Sudan’s civil society and governmental institutions.

Regional cooperation and development: The Arab world must recognise that Sudan’s stability is integral to regional security and prosperity. Regional cooperation initiatives, focusing on economic development, infrastructure projects, and cultural exchanges, can help integrate Sudan into the broader Arab and African economies. This will not only provide economic opportunities for the Sudanese people but also foster a sense of shared destiny and mutual support.

We must rise above geopolitical calculations and respond with the urgency and compassion that the situation demands. The suffering of the Sudanese people is a stain on the conscience of the world, and it is within our power to help them find peace and dignity.

As far as the leaders and policymakers of Oman are concerned, Oman’s special relationship with Sudan and Africa makes it imperative for us to carve our own role in this endeavour. Our legacy of diplomacy, peace-building, and humanitarianism positions Oman uniquely to lead efforts in galvanizing regional and international support for Sudan.

In this hour of darkness, let us be the light that shatters the darkness of apathy and oblivion, and guides Sudan towards a future of hope and renewal. Let us not turn a blind eye to their suffering, but instead, extend our hands in solidarity and action.