
Abodthamnay souq cafe blends flavours of past and present

Abodthamnay souq cafe blends flavours of past and present
Abodthamnay souq cafe blends flavours of past and present
The recent facelift of Abodthamnay souq in the wilayats of Rustaq, one of the ancient and popular spots for shopping, has attracted more shoppers and tourists to this area known for its labyrinth of alleys under the looming shadow of Rustaq Fort.

Souqs offer glimpses into Oman’s deep heritage and rich culture. These souqs are filled with visitors from all over during the traditional tourist season, which vary across the country.

Maryam al Ghafri, a souq shopper said, “Abodthamnay souq reflects my belief that No tree can grow to Heaven unless its roots reach down deep. Similarly, we can have a bright future when our traditions and culture have the foundation to grow.”

Abothamanya Souq and Rustaq Fort stand on opposite sides sharing chronicles of culture and history. The souq retains its traditional architecture with modern amenities, maintaining a link between the present and the past. It offers a comfortable space for shopping and meeting in Al Batinah North. The highlight of the renovated souq is the café which offers a spending view of the surrounding mountains and the Rustaq fort. The panoramic view is enhanced by the green cover of the landscape. These vibes add a nostalgic flavor to the coffee, connecting different generations to their past.

The traditional souqs throughout the Sultanate continue to keep their place as one of the top tourist spots. They continue to attract a growing numbers of Omanis, expats, tourists to experience Oman’s rich, diverse and ancient heritage and to have their senses stimulated by the aromatic smells of frankincense, Arabic perfumes, and rich array of Oman’s handicrafts

The renovation of the Abothamanya souq is part of MoHT’s wider plan to develop and revitalise historic sites across Oman.

The Ministry of Heritage and Tourism puts in efforts to promote these distinctive tourist destinations, under careful direction and with the right attention to represent Oman’s real and authentic culture and civilisation.

Each traditional Omani souq is distinct in terms of products and commodities such as traditional gold, silver, textiles, leather, perfumes, ceramic, herbs, palm leaves, wool, natural medicines, honey, Omani sweets, traditional handicrafts and antique weapons.