
Why labour dispute settlements can enhance workplace productivity

The concerned authorities in the Sultanate of Oman are continuously striving to enhance worker productivity in private institutions through various means. One crucial method is the settlement of labour disputes, which helps preserve the rights of all parties involved in the production process.

Recently, a symposium was organized to address labour disputes, with officials from the Ministry of Labour, judges, lawyers, business owners, and workers in attendance. The symposium aimed to identify the challenges facing commercial and industrial businesses. Key topics included the mechanisms for settling labour disputes under Omani Labour Law, the implementation of decisions and reconciliations between parties, and the potential benefits of learning from other countries' experiences in this field.

Globally, many countries have already advanced in resolving issues between employers and workers, focusing on productivity, efficiency, and respect for internal laws. However, it is crucial to consider the social contexts of countries dealing with these issues, such as those in our region, to ensure that material concerns do not overshadow the broader national interests.

The symposium resulted in several recommendations to help resolve disputes between business owners and workers across various sectors. These recommendations aim to identify both positive and negative influences within each sector, addressing conflicts before workers resort to formal complaints. Educating everyone about their rights is essential for achieving greater stability and enhancing productivity and sustainability in the workplace. Moreover, both parties should have the freedom to agree on mutually beneficial terms.

A noteworthy recommendation from the symposium is the use of artificial intelligence to guide workers if mediation efforts fail. This innovation aims to protect the rights of both institutions and workers by conducting thorough investigations, collecting evidence, interviewing witnesses, and assessing compliance with labour laws before referring cases to the courts.

As the Omani economy expands, further studies are needed to understand the causes of labour disputes and the behavioral and productivity-related issues across different age groups and educational levels.

Oman Vision 2040 aims to build a diversified and dynamic economy capable of regional and global competition. It emphasizes the role of the private sector and the importance of a robust justice system to ensure swift and fair resolution of disputes. Achieving this vision requires efficient and high-quality resolution of litigation procedures, as some disputes currently languish in the courts for years.