
Principles and faith in leadership

Principles are a set of beliefs that a person carries either since childhood or growing up as an adult.

The set of beliefs drives the actions of individuals. The principles do not affect the actions only but the way that a person behaves even being alone.

For example, the set of principles that Gandhi demonstrated in his actions was demonstrated by protesting using non-violent resistance to lead the successful campaign for India's independence from British rule.

The principle of non-violence in Gandhi was the key factor in the continuation of the freedom journey he led regardless of the huge challenges faced in those days.

On top of that, Gandhi adopted the short dhoti woven with hand-spun yarn as a mark of identification with India's rural poor.

Also, he lived in a poor residential community, ate simple food, and undertook long fasts as a means of both introspection and political protest.

This adaptation became his lifestyle and a principle that he believed in. Introspection is a good example of relation with the principle that drives the leader's reflection and actions.

Faith is a deeper conviction that makes leaders insist on the cause, even die for it regardless of the success rate.

This is the strongest inner motivator that drives a leader in the change journey.

One of the good examples is the soldiers of liberation movements, where the soldiers are ready to give up their lives for their cause and take Palestinians as a good demonstration of that today.

Regardless of the obstacles to the availability, accessibility and quality of healthcare, food and infrastructure, the people of Palestine refuse to leave their land.

This is a clear demonstration of strong faith that is not deniable. According to the writer, based on extensive research, the strongest faith comes from a religious background.

Those who hold the faith extracted from religion, hold their position to the maximum capacity of any human being. They were tortured in many aspects and ways, yet they did not change their position.

For instance, the companion of Jesus would be seized and held in pits dug for them in the ground. They would be sawed into two halves from their heads, and their flesh was torn away from their bones with iron combs. But, despite this, they would not wean away from their faith.

The greatest example who demonstrated the effect of faith is Prophet Muhammad.

He showed the effect of belief when he was offered to be wealthy or to be a king. Instead, he refused all these appealing offers by saying 'If they put the sun in my right hand and the moon in my left, I will not stop what I am doing until the Allah says or I die before'.

This is a clear example of how faith can drive change and make the world a better place to live.

It is important to highlight that leaders must discuss their beliefs with a specialist to direct those beliefs, principles and faith into standards that help humanity for the greater good.

Dr Ahmed bin Mahmood al Lawati

The writer is Project Assurance & Coaching team leader in PDO