
Omani doctor in Gaza spreads hope amid war

An Omani surgeon, Dr Aiman al Salmi who works at Khoula Hospital, is currently at the European Hospital in Gaza to provide much-needed medical assistance to the wounded amidst the ongoing conflict.

Dr Salmi had to endure a dangerous journey through the Rafah crossing into the heart of Rafah city determined to help injured Palestinians with healthcare. His presence, alongside other aid workers from the GCC, is a beacon of hope for the people of Gaza.

Upon arrival in Rafah, Dr Salmi wasted no time in beginning his humanitarian work, focusing on delivering critical medical care, especially to the children affected by the violence. “I am an Omani corrective orthodontics surgeon. I am currently at the European Hospital in Gaza. Every day, I see many wounded along with bodies that come to us due to this brutal war. We perform surgeries for them and assist them at this hospital,” Dr Salmi said.

“We conduct about 10 to 11 surgeries daily with the help of a complete medical team including anesthesia, nurses, and general surgery surgeons. It was a humanitarian call that prompted me to come to Gaza after seeing the atrocity happening here and this unjust war against the people of Gaza,” he added.

He described entering Gaza as a complex process, requiring coordination with international organisations working on deploying medical professionals.

Dr Salmi said after seeing Gaza's children being killed, he decided to contact an international organisation. “Of course, initially, it was without the knowledge of anyone, but after crossing the Rafah border, I informed everyone in Oman that I am now in Gaza,” he said.

Many have welcomed Dr Salmi’s act of humanity. “Dr Salmi’s bravery is something that inspires me more than anything. Such individuals who have such dedication need to be treated with high dignity. I wish him luck and a safe return back home,” Mohammed al Balushi, an Omani citizen from Sohar told the Observer.

Others said Dr Salmi’s safety is a concern. “Dr Salmi’s mission in Gaza is well appreciated but I just wish to convey a message of love to him. His safety is all we want so that he can continue such acts of kindness. Thank you Dr Salmi for all that you are doing,” Adbullah al Nuumani, another concerned citizen, said.