
Unravelling the journey towards freedom and justice

The Palestinian people have long endured an ongoing struggle for their freedom, independence, and the recognition of their rights. Thus, the Palestinian plight is inherently linked to the discourse of liberation, as their struggle represents a fight for freedom, justice, and self-determination.

Addressing this issue requires a commitment to upholding international law, ensuring the right of return for Palestinians, and promoting a just and lasting resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. As global citizens, we must stand in solidarity with the Palestinians and advocate for a future where their rights are recognised, and their aspirations are fulfilled. Only then can the Palestinian people truly achieve liberation from their plight.

This piece aims to shed light on the Palestinian predicament using the discourse of liberation. It will explore the dimensions of oppression faced by Palestinians, examine the principles of liberation, and discuss the importance of international solidarity in seeking a just resolution to the conflict.

Historical Context: The Palestinian plight cannot be fully understood without examining the historical context. The establishment of the state of Israel in 1948 on the British-occupied State of Palestine led to the displacement of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians, creating a refugee crisis that persists to date.

Decades of occupation, colonisation, and systematic discrimination have exacerbated the Palestinian people's suffering, leaving them in dire straits. The historical experience of dispossession and marginalisation has morphed into genocide and demonisation of Palestinians compounded by a sustained obliteration of elements of a viable State of Palestine.

The Palestinian people face multifaceted oppression that encompasses political, economic, and social aspects. Politically, they suffer from a lack of self-determination, as their aspiration for an independent state has been continuously undermined. The Israeli occupation's pervasive control over Palestinian lands, resources, and movement restricts their ability to exercise basic human rights. Economically, Palestinians endure high levels of poverty, unemployment, and limited access to vital resources due to discriminatory policies and practices. Socially, they face discrimination and stigmatisation, with their identity and culture often negated or suppressed.

A Discourse of Liberation: Liberation, as a discourse, holds certain principles that offer frameworks for understanding the rights and aspirations of oppressed peoples. Firstly, self-determination asserts the right of Palestinians to determine their political status and pursue their own path toward independence. It emphasises the importance of an end to occupation and the establishment, or rather the restitution, of a sovereign Palestinian state. Secondly, justice plays a pivotal role in liberation, calling for accountability and redress for past injustices committed against the Palestinian people. This includes restitution for displaced Palestinians and addressing the legal framework that perpetuates inequality. Lastly, equality demands the recognition and guarantee of the rights of all individuals regardless of their ethnicity, religion, or national origin. It is central to dismantling the discriminatory policies that perpetuate the Palestinian plight.

The Palestinian people have experienced prolonged occupation and colonisation, primarily in the West Bank, East Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip. Israeli settlements continue to expand, encroaching upon Palestinian land, restricting their freedom of movement, and undermining their economic and social development. The occupation has created a system of apartheid-like policies, where Palestinians face discriminatory laws, checkpoints, and segregation.

In addition, Palestinians suffer from systemic human rights violations, including the demolition of homes, forced evictions, and arbitrary arrests. The Israeli military's excessive use of force against peaceful protests and the targeting of civilian infrastructure are examples of such violations. The oppressive policies of collective punishment, including the blockade of the Gaza Strip, have resulted in severe economic and humanitarian crises.

The denial of the right to self-determination is a central aspect of the Palestinian plight. Despite numerous international resolutions, agreements, and negotiations, Palestinians still lack a sovereign and independent state. The construction of the separation wall, illegal settlements, and the annexation of East Jerusalem further hinder the realisation of their aspirations for self-determination. Hence, international solidarity is vital in the pursuit of Palestinian liberation. This solidarity includes diplomatic support from governments, grassroots advocacy, and boycott movements. Ongoing international pressure on Israel for its human rights violations and non-compliance with international law is crucial to achieving a just resolution.

In conclusion, the Palestinian plight epitomises the struggle for liberation in the face of oppression. It is imperative that efforts be made to seek a just resolution to the conflict, one that upholds the principles of self-determination, justice, and equality. Only through the collective pursuit of the liberation discourse can the Palestinian people finally achieve the freedom, dignity, and rights they have long been denied. Additionally, collaboration and exchange between Palestinian and global liberation struggles can foster mutual understanding and strengthen the collective fight against oppression.