
Since Saturday, UNRWA has not been able to deliver aid to Gaza

The Israeli strikes completely destroyed Gaza
The Israeli strikes completely destroyed Gaza
New York: The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) reaffirmed that the agency has been unable to bring any aid into the Gaza Strip since Saturday. It added that UNRWA employees continue their humanitarian work despite the risks and difficult circumstances.

Juliette Touma, UNRWA Director of Communications said that the agency lost four of its employees as a result of the air strikes on Gaza and that at least 14 of its facilities were damaged directly and indirectly.

The UNRWA headquarters were subjected to collateral damage yesterday (Tuesday) due to airstrikes in the surrounding neighborhoods, she added. Some of UNRWAs employees were taking shelter in the same compound in a nearby building during the strikes, she said.

She called for the need for the conflict party to protect UN facilities and all schools. In this particular case, a United Nations school, which enjoyed double protection, was attacked, UNRWA hosts 170,000 people in more than 80 schools and other facilities throughout Gaza. As schools reach their capacity, people have been forced to seek shelter in healthcare facilities, Touma said.

She stated that the agency was forced to close its 14 food distribution centers and reduce its operations due to the current situation, expressing its deep concern that basic supplies, including fuel, would run out in the next few weeks.

The UNRWA Director of Media renewed the UN call on all parties to end the fighting everywhere and avoid further civilian casualties.