
GCC states support human rights initiatives

Idris bin Abdulrahman al Khanjari
Idris bin Abdulrahman al Khanjari
GENEVA: GCC states issued a statement affirming their constant support for all initiatives aimed at promoting human rights.

The statement underscored the GCC states’ keenness on addressing contemporary issues and challenges that have direct and fundamental impacts on human rights, including climate change and modern technologies.

The statement expressed the GCC states’ conviction that such challenges could be addressed by enhancing international cooperation. It pointed out that GCC states are looking forward to benefiting from expertise and experiences presented at the COP28 climate summit to be hosted by the United Arab Emirates later this year, as well as other multilateral forums specialised in climate change.

The statement was issued during the 54th session of the Human Rights Council in Geneva.

It was delivered on behalf of GCC states by Idris bin Abdulrahman al Khanjari, Permanent Representative of the Sultanate of Oman to the United Nations and international organisations. - ONA