
Ask ... Your prayers will be answered

As preparations pick up to celebrate Eid al Adha, there is one group of people, the pilgrims performing Haj, one of the five pillars of Islam.

The day before Eid al Adha is extremely important day, my friend said. Many people fast. It is so special that prayers are answered.

She was quick to point out, “One must have faith.” So what is faith? Faith can be one of the best qualities to take us through life.

So many wonderful things have happened to my friend and she can easily laugh amidst deep thought too because she knows everything will happen at the right time.

It is a human quality, don’t know whether it is taught or inborn trait to have the faith.

‘On Arafat Day, we can ask,’ she said explaining the significance of Duas.

She added, ‘Most of us fast.’ Where there are intentions, there are clear goals.

During our Radio Show on Oman FM - Body, Mind and Soul, late Shaikh Khalfan al Esry explained in great depth regarding intentions.

But how many people would be actually requesting and concluding with the confidence that they will achieve what they are seeking? The ones who can have that confidence must be experiencing a positive state of mind. Having the feeling that someone is there to make their wish true.

Look back at our early years and it will remind you of how wonderful it was to have our parents and grandparents to be there to solve our problems and make our dreams come true.

So that also takes us to children who do not have that support in their life. It is one thing to handle if it is a natural calamity but what about when it is man- made conflicts? We are all far away from the wreckage of the Titanic but when the submarine disappeared it got our attention, and when they concluded it was an implosion, it made us feel remorse. And we are still thinking about the banging sound.

The beauty is that we all have an opportunity to be the cause or reason for someone else’s happiness. But we are so immersed in our own world.

It is not what probably the scholars or philosophers might be thinking about but would it not be wonderful to share with everyone that they have the power to ask and have the confidence to realise that it will be answered.

According to Ryan Bremner, an associate professor of psychology at the University of St Thomas in Minnesota as reported by CNN, ‘Prayer can foster a sense of connection, whether it’s to a higher power, what a person finds important in life or their values. Prayer can reduce feelings of isolation, anxiety and fear as well.’ Because at times the desperation is overwhelming because of the loneliness so the people who can pray have the comfort of having that connection.

What this brings about also is a realisation of what we are blessed with, which leads to gratitude. Thankfulness makes us again realise how blessed we have been. And when there is a sense of gratitude we tend to have the capacity to reach out and help others.

Life can be so challenging that at times we want to ask, why me? When people hurt you and you wonder again, why? But life also teaches that it is fine and there is no reason to blame because everyone is on their journey and their pace might be different from yours. But we need to stay focus on our own compass and keep an eye on the north. Just like the compass, it can be shaken and disturbed but it will find the north.

The birds have it.

We probably have it too, but we have the power to think and the thoughts can overtake our ability with the compass.

So we need a clear mind and that is when the prayers help.

So this day is an opportunity.

Eid Mubarak!

In some places the refugees will be celebrating Eid in refugee camps. We can feel sad thinking of the fact that they are far away from their hometowns or let us think again, it is good to know they are safe. There is hope.