
A stepping stone towards resetting and building up resistance

Dr. Nishat Shams
Dr. Nishat Shams
Anxiety, stress, and depression are prevalent psychological disorders that affect millions of people worldwide. In recent years, the role of spirituality and religion in health and disease has been considered, with evidence showing that strong religious beliefs, prayer, and worship have positive effects on a person's physical and mental health.

Fasting during the holy month of Ramadhan is a practice followed by Muslims worldwide, has many positive effects on mental health.

1. Studies have concluded that fasting can be effective in reducing anxiety and stress, diminishing depression levels, and improving self-esteem

2. Fasting is not just about abstaining from food but also about cultivating good behaviours, performing good deeds, and reflecting on one's mental health

3. Ramadhan emphasises charity, which can boost endorphins, a natural happy hormone in body, that aid in elevating self-esteem, and combat stress and negative emotions

4. In addition to these mental health benefits, fasting has been shown to improve cognitive function and prevent age-related cognitive decline. It provides a spiritual power that can help in reflecting and correcting our negative habits and behaviours.

From the Ayurvedic (an alternate form of natural medicine) perspective it is also very important to understand your body as you go through this journey. Fasting has a detoxifying effect which allows the digestive fire to be reset.

Some tips-

1. If one is prone to urinary infection, drink plenty of tender coconut water

2. For those who face gastritis, acid reflux, heartburn etc. consuming laban is an excellent option.

3. “Kharjurida mantha” as per Ayurveda is a combination of dates, sugar cane juice, dried raisins and barley should be crushed and 4 cups of water should be added, then filtered and served with 1 tsp of ghee. This is effective in giving instantaneously relief from thirst and hunger.

4. One of the best ways to cool the system is to take 2 spoons of barley seeds, wash it, mix it with 2 litres water and boil it in mild fire for 15 minutes.

In conclusion, fasting during the month of Ramadhan can be a stepping stone towards resetting and building up resistance to triggers that can be detrimental to our well-being.

Dr Nishat is a psychologist while Dr Jayakrishnan is an Ayurvedic doctor