
Are you taking the challenge of change

Remember that it's your own opinion that really counts. Have faith in yourself, realise only you can change you, only you can control your destiny

Most of us have difficulty in dealing with change? Change comes in a variety of sizes, shapes and flavours with time. Even if you resist or avoid it, it will enter your life just the same. When you initiate the change yourself, it’s pretty easy to adopt to it, since it’s a wanted one. But are the unplanned and unexpected changes bad? What if all changes were good by default?

It’s how you choose to look at and deal with change that matters most. At first it is a bit difficult and annoying, but after a while you get used to the change so much that if it doesn’t come for a while, you grow and learn new things every time something changes. You discover new insights about different aspects of your life. You learn lessons even from changes that did not lead you to where you wanted to be.

Like it or not, change is an integral part of today's business climate. Those employees who embrace and initiate change will thrive, while those who complain and fear change may be headed for the unemployment line. If you want to remain employable, you may have to change more than just your attitude and your reaction to change. You may have to change some of your ideas and goals to create a better future for yourself.

Change not only can make a mighty country, but also can make a person successful.

If we want passion back in our lives, we must be willing to meet the challenge of change. If you've been reacting negatively to change, it's important to modify your attitude and your behaviour before it's too late. We all have things in our lives we’d like to improve — finances, job, partner, house, etc.

If you want people to accept change, you need to invest time in planning and communication. To get others to accept change, the first step is to understand what, from their perspective, they feel that they are losing. If you can first empathise with their feelings, then begin to compensate for their loss, you have taken a giant first step towards acceptance.

You will never, ever, reach a day where you don’t have feelings, the good and the bad. Resisting them will not help, it will hurt. Train yourself to acknowledge your feelings, consider what they’re trying to tell you, and let them pass. Suppressing your thought, will not make them go away. They’ll make them more powerful when they eventually all come back to haunt you. Find new things to think about.

Finally, to learn to accept who you are, it's one of the hardest things to follow through on, but it's definitely most rewarding. It's so easy to look in the mirror and point out most of insecurities. But, instead of counting all the things you wish you could be, try counting all the things that you are thankful. Remember that it's your own opinion that really counts. Have faith in yourself, realise only you can change you, only you can control your destiny. Decide what is important to you and set your mind to it.