
A perfect blend of entertainment & education

The Oman Automobile Association (OAA) continues to host a variety of activities and programmes aimed at young people and families who love electronic games, as part of the Muscat Nights activities. These events offer entertainment and provide opportunities for young talents to engage with useful equipment. An entry fee of RO 3 allows young people to play, learn, and participate in competitions.

One of the key components of the Muscat Nights activities are simulation and electronic games. The OAA has partnered with various organisations to offer a wide range of simulation games as part of the programme. These games are particularly popular among the younger generation due to the excitement and enthusiasm they provide. They also allow participants to exercise their visual abilities by controlling realistic vehicles such as cars and other games that characterise this type of game.

Puzzle and strategy games also appeal to the younger generation, and the fun in this type of game comes through participation. In recognition of this, the Muscat Municipality has carefully selected a variety of electronic games to be included in the calendar of events, to develop the skills of visitors to the OAA in the field of these types of games. These games, which include difficult puzzles and mental games that require high concentration, allow fans of this type of games to advance through several levels and spend a productive time at the association.

In addition to simulation and electronic games, the Muscat Nights activities also include drifting competitions and e-gaming through other types of electronic games. These games have been introduced as an option for visitors to the OAA and are designed to be educational and entertaining. They include adventure games that help in the learning process.

The OAA also hosts comedy theaters and other theater arts, which hold competitive competitions for attendance. Additionally, there are multiple stalls selling products such as food and clothing.

For those with a creative streak, the OAA hosts an event called the 'Creators' Village' where amateurs can display and practice their hobbies such as drawing on pencils and oil paintings.

Overall, the Oman Automobile Association is committed to providing a range of activities that cater to the interests and talents of young people and families in the Muscat area. They continue to organise events that offer entertainment and educational opportunities for visitors.