
Oman, Saudi Arabia review areas

MUSCAT: Gen Sultan bin Mohammed al Numani, Minister of the Royal Office, received here on Tuesday Lt Gen Fahd bin Abdullah al Mutair, Commander of Royal Land Forces in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA), and his delegation.

During the meeting, the two sides reviewed areas of cooperation between Oman and Saudi Arabia. They also discussed several matters of mutual interest.

The meeting was attended by the Commander of the Royal Army of Oman (RAO).

Separately, Maj Gen Matar bin Salim al Balushi, Commander of the Royal Army of Oman (RAO), received Lt Gen Al Mutair.

During the meeting, the two sides exchanged views and discussed several military matters of mutual interest.

The meeting was attended by several senior RAO officers and the Military Attaché of the Saudi Embassy at Muscat.


Lt Gen Al Mutair and his delegation later visited the Sultan’s Armed Forces (SAF) Museum at Bait Al Falaj Fort.

Upon their arrival at the Museum, they were greeted by the Head of Military Protocols at the SAF Command.

The guests toured various sections of the museum. They also viewed a number of historic manuscripts and models. The guests were also briefed on the march of SAF’s development.

At the conclusion of the visit, the Saudi Commander signed the visitor’s book, expressing his delight in viewing the rich military heritage of Oman, as well as its aspects of progress and growth.


Lt Gen Al Mutair and his delegation also visited the Maritime Security Centre (MSC).

Upon their arrival, the guests were greeted by Commodore Adil bin Hamoud al Busaidi, Head of the MSC.

The guest and his accompanying delegation were briefed on the roles and tasks carried out by the centre in maintaining the safety of maritime environment. They also toured the centre’s facilities and viewed its latest equipment and technologies that are used in carrying out its national duties. — ONA