
Ejada system launched in Dhofar

SALALAH: The Governorate of Dhofar launched Ejada Institutional Excellence System at all the administrative units in the presence of HH Sayyid Marwan bin Turki al Said, Governor of Dhofar, on Monday.

The governor of Dhofar said: “It is extremely important that every employee contributes to the development of his/her institution through this system and to make a positive effect in improving the performance at the institutional level. We should all take part in improving and upgrading the work system which consequently leads to improving performance and achieving the desired goals. We should all communicate and cooperate in all that serves the public interest.”

An induction display of Ejada system was staged during the launch ceremony by Talal bin Abdullah al Balushi, director of the training and change management team at Ejada, Ministry of Labour. He noted that the system is a tool for upgrading performance efficiency at the units of the state’s administrative apparatus through assessing the fields that affect the realization of the unit’s objectives.

The launch ceremony was attended by the chairman of the municipal council, walis, directors-general and employees at the government institutions of Dhofar Governorate.