
'Green Oases' need proper attention

The scenes of the green oases and aflaj channels surprise many. Traditionally they were built on lands that challenged geographical harshness.

The geographical and environmental studies confirm that specialised and accurate studies must be prepared to unveil the formation secrets.

Some oases are still not reachable. They are located at altitudes between 500 and 1,500 metres above sea level.

In the past, Omanis used to dig wells and build water channels on the paths of the mountain slopes to secure water access, which undoubtedly helped them in their daily lives.

Today, these oases have become significant tourist destinations, as tourists give them priority during visits.

These oases give the tourists multiple options, where they can practice hiking, mountain climbing, camping, discover archaeological sites and learn about the types of local crops.

Moreover, they have the choice to experience authentic Omani culture and tradition, which are still in practice.

'It is astonishing to travel in the middle of the dry and barren mountains and then be surprised to see the green terraces and the water flowing in a panoramic view that many who visit these unique sites may not believe', a French tourist told Observer.

Despite the rugged road to reach some of these places, many Omani families still live in these mountainous areas. 'Providing paved roads and basic services has become urgent because the number of tourists is increasing. It is important to establish safe paths on mountain roads so that it is easier for the tourists of different age groups to reach some sites easily,' a tour guide proposed.

On the other hand, residents demand the necessity of providing outlets for displaying and marketing local products, as it contributes to stimulating commercial traffic in these exceptional locations.

Agricultural oases are a cultural heritage. There must be a plan to develop the places of historical importance.