
OCCI elections - hopes and aspirations

The members of the board are elected to serve the public interest as well as those who are associated with the business community. Same as any other elections, the voters are asked to elect the best among the candidates

The new rules of the Oman Chamber of Commerce and Industry (OCCI) were decided by the Royal Decree No 56/2022. It gave it certain powers, expanded its ambit and decided the regulations for participation in its elections as the sole institution meant for looking after the interests of the private sector.

Now the ball is in the court of the entrepreneurs and business community to elect their representatives on the board of directors of the new OCCI. The board has 21 members, among them five are from the Muscat Governorate and five others who represent public joint stock companies and a member who represents foreign investors. Other 10 members represent various governorates.

The members of the board are elected to serve the public interest as well as those who are associated with the business community. Same as any other elections, the voters are asked to elect the best among the candidates. This is because it is the foundation for participation in decision-making aimed at strengthening democratic values as an essential element in the system.

There is no doubt that the OCCI elections have seen many ups and downs, hopes and despair, confidence, and loss of faith when it came to choosing its board in the past. It has learnt lot of lessons from the elections in various other institutions of the country. All the elections for Majlis Ash'shura, municipality and other organisations of the civil society have a lot to teach as institutions based on democratic values.

We, in the country, have a rich legacy of political participation in decision-making, and we must take advantage of it. There should be an increase in the number of votes polled for the OCCI board. This will show the level of awareness among citizens of the country, and highlight the importance of popular participation in the process.

Further, it will motivate the state to give more powers and expand the base of participation. This is required for a comprehensive evaluation of the powers. It also shows the level of awareness among voters. It is the percentage of total votes which shows how much this institution is needed by them to help in decision-making process so as to serve the interest of the common people and business and industrial community.

Only by taking advantage of the opportunity of sending suitable representatives to the OCCI can help in the process of policy making so as to serve the interests of the trade and industry community.

There have always been demands for making OCCI again active and allow it to play desired role of serving the private sector. Now this demand has been accepted. Now it is everybody’s duty to take the new rules of the OCCI positively as it has its own benefits and advantages. It has got lot of powers. Now, it will be able to review the rules and regulations and propose amendments. This is the body which will propose a general strategy of the organisation to serve the private sector. The experiment of the OCCI is one of the other major achievements of the country. It cannot be separated from what all have been accomplished by the Sultanate of Oman on every front, within the country and abroad.

What has been done by the OCCI for the private sector of the country is always a matter of pride. Its successes has been celebrated at individual as well as institutions level in the country. It is distinct among other similar experiments in the country. Rather, it has set an example for other such associations in Oman.

It is our duty to participate in the OCCI elections with a positive mind and make it a success. Large scale participation is necessary for the success of these polls. It raises hopes and fulfils aspirations.