
Archaeologists find ruins of ancient temple to Athena in Italy

Archaeologists in southern Italy have excavated the ruins of a 2,500-year-old temple, as well as artefacts from a major naval battle kept at the sacred site.

The temple was dedicated to Athena, the goddess of wisdom, and was unearthed in the Paestum archaeological park south of the city of Salerno, according to a statement by the Culture Ministry on Tuesday.

The structure, which was probably 18 metres long and 7 metres wide, provides insight into the oldest phase of Paestum, once a major Greek city that was founded by settlers from Asia Minor, the statement said.

Relics from the naval battle of Alalia, which is believed to have taken place sometimes between 540 BC and 535 BC, were inside the temple, said Massimo Osanna, the director general of Italian Museums.

Among the finds were two helmets. According to Osanna, a laboratory examination should reveal whether inscriptions are hidden in them that may provide information about the identity of the soldiers who wore them.

The researchers assume that the temple was built after the naval battle, which the ancient Greek historian Herodotus said took place on the east coast of the Mediterranean Island of Corsica.

Italy’s culture minister expressed his delight at the discoveries.

“It is important to continue investing with conviction in archaeological research, which never stops bringing back important pieces of Mediterranean history,” said Dario Franceschini — dpa