
ROP urges caution while driving on wet roads

Anchor- input for illustration at the end

The Royal Oman Police has sounded a general warning about the dangers of driving during and after the rain and asked for sufficient care while driving in these conditions.

'Avoid driving as much as possible during the rains as there are chances of wheel slip-offs and road visibility turning poor to zero,' an official from the traffic department said.

Chances of accidents and casualties during or post rains are high as wet roads decrease vehicles' proper performance, leading to vehicles going out of driver's control.

Rainy conditions are directly associated with higher accident rates as spilt oils, waterclogs, lower visibility, and soil or mud accumulation on the roads are some of the reasons that lead to accidents during the adverse weather conditions.

'Such instances on the road can decrease the tyre traction, and applying sudden brakes even during a drizzle is dangerous.'


Drivers should keep seven important things in mind while driving in the rains

1) Always opt for a slow pace even if the maximum speed signage shows higher

2) Use hazard lights and headlights to let other drivers know your presence as visibility may be less during the rains

3) Maintain a safe distance between other vehicles

4) Watch out for potholes hidden by the gushing water

5) Avoid heavy braking as chances of vehicle skidding in water are high

6) Temperature inside the vehicle should be regulated because chances of vapour getting accumulated are high

7) Windshield wipers should be used to get a clear view ahead.