
Cultivating a reading habit

No doubt, reading improves literacy, social skills, health, and learning outcomes. Many of us think that we live in a fast-paced world, but the actual thing is that we live in a distracted and disruptive world where everything is fast but messy

In the last few weeks, I have had amazing conversations with my friends and fellow book lovers. Some of them revealed that they have made it a rule to read at least a few pages of a book everyday.

When it comes to weekends and travelling, it is a lot more, said one of them with a remark, “I always feel a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment when I complete reading a book”.

History has shown that many successful people on the planet are those who devoted time to reading and learning. No doubt, reading makes our life worthwhile whatever the variety of books it may be -- science, history, philosophy, fiction or biography.

One of the main reasons we love reading is because we enjoy it. But we also read because we need to broaden our minds. We want to learn new things and we want to succeed in life.

Author and motivator Chonce Maddox says, 'It's no secret that successful people read. The average millionaire is said to read two or more books per month.'

Greater leaders like John F Kennedy, Winston Churchill, F D Roosevelt, Mahatma Gandhi, and Jawaharlal Nehru, to mention a few, were all voracious readers. They acquired their formidable knowledge and view of the world thanks to their habit of reading books!

When it comes to contemporary leaders like Barack Obama or millionaires like Bill Gates or Warren Buffett, they too were avid readers. No matter how busy they were, they always found time to spend time reading!

Thus wrote American entrepreneur, author, and motivational speaker Jim Rohn, “Reading is essential for those who seek to rise above the ordinary.”

Reading cultivates our minds and gives us immense knowledge and lessons in life. By reading motivational stories, we will gain more self-confidence with a positive vibe which makes us get rid of all our struggles.

According to a study published by the National Library of Medicine, people who read books for 30 minutes daily lived an average of 23 months longer than non-readers or magazine readers. Apparently, the practice of reading books creates cognitive engagement that improves lots of things, including vocabulary, thinking skills, and concentration.

A study conducted by the University of Liverpool's Centre for Research into Reading, Literature and Society, found that reading has many more benefits than simply being good entertainment, with those who read reporting better connections with others and greater feelings of happiness within themselves and with their life overall.

No doubt, reading improves literacy, social skills, health, and learning outcomes. Many of us think that we live in a fast-paced world, but the actual thing is that we live in a distracted and disruptive world where everything is fast but messy.

As children, we were taught by our parents and teachers that we should read outside of class to get smarter. And so, we read to enhance not only our linguistic skill, stimulate our imagination and increase our general knowhow.

In this tech-savvy world where children are more attracted to electronic devices rather than engaging in physical activity, teachers and parents together should ensure that children are exposed to books in the house.

Reading is a very important skill that parents should encourage in their children. When we read, we are exercising our brains.

Time spent on reading a book is well spent! It is good therapy for a happier and healthier life. There are many people who self-medicate with great books and add this painless habit to their daily list of activities!

The writer is a freelance journalist and author who has worked in India and Gulf countries